Hey I'm Reena
I’m here to show you that feeling good is possible - no matter your circumstances. For so many years I thought FEELING GOOD was out of reach for someone “like me”... you know, someone who was chronically stressed, living with an inflammatory skin condition, disconnected from her body and her true desires.
But thankfully, I was wrong and waking up to my life through mindfulness changed everything for me.
I still remember the first time I sat on the meditation cushion, it was 2012 and I was on a 10-day silent retreat. At the time I was 50 lbs. overweight, my skin was scaly red and my mind was a ball of worry. That day, as I sat on the cushion though, something started to shift for me. As I started to get really quiet, I met myself and the present moment for the first time.
From that day - my life started to change - I began to notice, to pay attention, to see my life as an unfolding set of rich and meaningful experiences. I also realized that I no longer had to suffer - that suffering was a choice and I could change the way I was relating to myself, my life and all that was going on inside and around me.
Waking up to my life, believing that I deserved to feel good led me to do many brave and courageous things. Such as travelling solo to Bali and India, quitting my corporate job, and even starting an online support community for people living with chronic illness.
So much has changed for me since that day on the meditation cushion in 2012 and I believe becoming more Mindful played a key role in that. Mindfulness showed me that I do in fact deserve to feel good AND that it is possible to feel good and live a purpose-filled life.
I am forever grateful for this realization and have a deep passion for guiding others who are ready to make a change, wake up to life and believe they too deserve to feel good.

Want to workwith me?